Thursday, November 28, 2019

Article review

Article review The article under consideration is written by Huston and Sakkab (2006). It dwells upon the application of a new model for innovation by one of the largest companies in the world Procter Gamble. The model is called connect and develop (CD).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Article review â€Å"Connect and Develop: Inside Procter Gambles New Model for Innovation† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The authors compare the new model with the model largely used in 1980s ‘research and develop’ (RD). The RD model is proved to be less effective in the contemporary business environment (Huston Sakkab, 2006). The authors comment upon the peculiarities of the new model and provide some advice for the implementation of the new CD model. Huston and Sakkab (2006) point out that Procter Gamble first used the new model in 2002. The first product to be developed was a â€Å"line of Pringles potato crisps† which was launched in 2004 (Huston Sakkab, 2006, p.58). The company decided to find the necessary solutions outsides the company. The experience was very successful. Therefore, A.G. Lafley, CEO, decided to change the RD model into more appropriate and effective model for innovation. The authors state that the use of the new model led to the increase of innovation success rate whereas costs of innovation fell. Apart from providing good examples of the effectiveness of the new model, the authors give some advice. For instance, they note that it is important to determine the area of innovations. The company should determine the categories of products to be developed. When the categories are determined, it is possible to find institutions and individuals to collaborate with. The authors provide an effective pattern to determine areas of innovation: researching top 10 consumers’ needs, defining adjacencies and technology game boards. The authors also comment upon possible networ ks to use. Procter Gamble use propriety networks (technology entrepreneurs and suppliers) or open networks specially designed for CD model (NineSigma, InnoCentive, YourEncore, Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Huston Sakkab (2006) also comment upon the most appropriate time to use this model. Finally, the authors emphasize the rapid change of business environment which requires the use of the new model for innovation. Key points The article under analysis provides a detailed description of the use of the new model for innovation, CD model. The authors share a valuable experience of one of the largest companies in the world. It goes without saying that such a detailed and exemplary illustration of the model’s effectiveness can be very helpful for many other companies. The authors justify the effectiveness of the new model for innovation. They state that there are far too many resources outside companies, so it is but natural that companies can use those resources. However, they point out that it is impossible to create new products using the new model only as it can lead to failure. This is a very valuable tip for companies which are trying to adapt in the modern business environment. More so, Huston Sakkab (2006) stress that ideas taken from outside have been still analyzed by researchers in the labs of Procter Gamble. The authors provide particular examples when ideas were taken outside, but they were checked and developed by researchers of Procter Gamble. It is important to note that the authors comment upon each stage of the process of creating new products. Huston Sakkab (2006) outline helpful strategies of developing new products. For instance, many companies fail to implement the new model as they fail to choose the right ideas and develop new products. The authors note that it is essential to choose products which will meet top ten consumers’ needs and will ‘support’ existing products. The authors also name precise networks used by Procter Gamble. Of course, the same networks can be used by many other people interested in suggesting or acquiring various ideas. Finally, the authors highlight certain threats.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Article review â€Å"Connect and Develop: Inside Procter Gambles New Model for Innovation† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The authors point out that it is crucial not to overestimate external sources or underestimate internal resources as ideas found outside usually need further development. Basically, the authors draw a successful pattern of the use of CD model illustrating all their arguments with particular examples. Follow-on research The new model for innovation has been discussed for at least two decades by researchers. Huston Sakkab (2006) focus on th e experience of Procter Gamble whereas Huizingh (2010) and Li Kozhikode (2009) deal with some other examples concentrating on more theoretical points. Thus, Huizingh (2010) dwells upon the essence of the notion. The author provides an analysis of the major peculiarities of the model. Interestingly, Huizingh (2010) states that there will be no such a term ‘open innovation’ (or Connect Develop model) soon as the model will be used by all companies. In other words, it will become a norm. Nonetheless, the author also stresses that although many companies used the model effectively, the further study is necessary as there are many essential phenomena to be identified. Huizingh (2010) points out that profound quantitative and qualitative research should be implemented. Li and Kozhikode (2009) also note that further study is necessary. The authors also mention several successful examples of the model implementation, but they stress that companies should be prepared to face certain threats as the strategies used by multinationals cannot be always used by smaller companies. It is important to note that Li and Kozhikode (2009) concentrate on Asian companies (and individuals) which are regarded as the main sources of outside ideas for Western companies. The researchers suggest that smaller companies should work out their own strategies using the successful experience of other companies (both multinationals and smaller companies). Li and Kzhikode (2009) focus on the implementation of the new model by multinational companies and smaller enterprises. The researchers point out threats which can both multinationals and smaller companies face. It is necessary to point out that both articles provide several successful examples of the use of the open innovation model.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Applications The article under consideration provides new insights into the process of new products development. The article depicts a successful model of new products creation. This model can be useful for many companies. The detailed analysis of the CD model provided can help companies develop their own strategies. More so, companies or even individuals can make use of the mentioned networks. Huston Sakkab (2006) also depict certain threats. For instance, the authors point out that companies should not underestimate internal resources. This is a very important observation which can be helpful for many companies. Admittedly, lots of companies fail to launch new products as they misuse successful strategies used by others. The authors comment upon every stage of the new products development using the CD model (providing helpful tips). Following that pattern companies will be able to work out their own successful strategies. The article under consideration can help companies to adap t and succeed in the contemporary rapidly changing business environment. Reference List Huizingh, E.K.R.E. (2010). Open innovation: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. Technovation, 31(1), 2-9. Huston, L. Sakkab, N. (2006) Connect and Develop: Inside Procter Gambles New Model for Innovation. Harvard Business Review, 84(3), 58-66. Li, J., Kozhikode, R.K. (2009). Developing New Innovation Models: Shifts in the Innovation Landscapes in Emerging Economies and Implications for Global RD Management. Journal of International Management, 15(3), 328-339.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Definite Articles Il and Lo in Early Italian

Definite Articles Il and Lo in Early Italian In early Italian, the use of various forms of the definite article was a little different than today. The form lo was more frequent than in modern Italian, and it was also used in many cases in which il was subsequently called for. Today,  lo precedes nouns beginning with s impura (s consonant), (lo Stato), z (lo zio), gn (lo gnomo), sc (lo sciocco), pn (lo pneumatico), ps (lo psicologo), x (lo xilofono), and with i semiconsonantica (semivowel i) (lo iodio). All other masculine nouns starting with a consonant are preceded by the article il. In early Italian, however, the form il could only be used after a word ending in a vowel and before a word beginning with a consonante semplice (simple consonant). In those cases, it could also occur in the reduced form l. Here are two examples from Dantes Divine Comedy (more specifically from Inferno: Canto I: mavea di paura il cor compunto (verso 15);l, dove l sol tace (verso 60). However, the form lo can be used in both cases, given that the final sound of the previous words ends in vowels and the initial sounds of the next words end in simple consonants. In particular, the use of this form was mandatory at the beginning of a phrase. Here are some examples, again taken from Dantes Divine Comedy: si volse a retro a rimirar lo passo (Inferno: Canto I, verso 26);Tu se lo mio maestro (Inferno: Canto I, verso 85);Lo giorno se nandava (Inferno: Canto II, verso 1). The differences in the use of the articles lo and il could be summarized as follows: in early Italian, lo was used more frequently and could be used in all cases (even if il was expected). In modern Italian il is found more frequently, and unlike in early Italian, there is no overlap in the usage of the two articles. How Is Lo Used in Contemporary Italian? The early use of the article lo instead of il continues in contemporary Italian in adverbial phrases such as per lo pià ¹ (for the most part) and per lo meno (at least). Another form which still occurs today (but in very limited use), is the plural li. This form is sometimes found when indicating a date, especially in bureaucratic correspondence: Rovigo, li marzo 23 1995. Since li isnt an article recognized by most Italians today, it is not uncommon to see it misspelled with an accent, as if it were the adverb of place là ¬. Of course, when speaking one says Rovigo, il marzo 23 1995, while in general in correspondence it is preferred to write 23 marzo 1995 (without the article). In  Italian, the article, whether an  articolo  determinativo  (definite article), an  articolo  indeterminativo  (indefinite article), or an  articolo  partitivo  (partitive article), has no independent lexical meaning in a sentence. It serves in various ways, however, to define the  noun  it is associated with, and with which it must agree in gender and number. If the speaker wants to say something about a dog (for example), he must first specify whether the statement is intended to refer to all class members (Il cane à ¨ il  migliore  amico  delluomo.- Dog is mans best friend.) or a single individual (Marco ha un cane pezzato.- Mark has a spotted dog). The article, along with other parts of speech, for example,  aggettivi  dimostrativi  (questo  cane- this dog), (alcuni  cani- some dogs), or  aggettivi  qualificativi  ( un bel cane- a beautiful dog), performs the important function of determining the nominal group.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Persuading against gun control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Persuading against gun control - Essay Example This essay persuades against gun control and its implementation.The immediate damage guns do in assaults, homicides, unintentional shootings, amounting to more than a million deaths since 1965 and about three times that number of injuries, cannot be denied. Indeed, in considering, the potential benefits of sentencing enhancements for gun use in crime, a ban on particularly dangerous types of guns, or more stringent regulation of gun commerce, the first question must be whether that policy will save lives and increase public safety or not, and even if the answer is yes, then there remains a second, more subtle question as to what would be the measures taken in order to make the policy effective in public safety†? Efforts have always been taken to keep guns away from those deemed at high risk for misusing them and has been an important goal of gun policy. â€Å"The most promising new option in design is to ‘personalize’ guns, thereby preventing them from being fired by persons other than the authorized owner and in such way convict not to implement gun control . This technology along with a variety of different technological options holds some promise for saving lives by making guns inoperable to despondent members of society. If we analyze the sequence of events that leads to a shooting, we would come to know many facts like â€Å"the assailant must acquire the gun, bring or carry it to the scene of the encounter, and then deploy it against the victim. Law enforcement and regulatory agencies may intervene in any of these three areas ". (Cook, 2000, p. 31) Here are some examples of where and how such interventions can be focused: